Domaine Boingneres 1986 Bas Armagnac Folle Blanche 49% 700ml | Brandy | Shop online at Spirits of France

Domaine Boingneres 1986 Bas Armagnac Folle Blanche 49% 700ml

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A 1986 Bas Armagnac at 49% ABV. A rare example of vintage Armagnac distilled entirely from Folle Blanche grapes. in 1807 by Jean Boingnères and now run by Martine Lafitte, Domaine Boingnères has just 20 hectares and makes only top quality Armagnac. The wine is distilled in a 'Sier' still and then aged in 420 litre oak barrels, Strangely it has a dry ageing cellar creating a much slower ageing but an astonishing quality which makes Boingnères one of the few very best Armagnacs. And Martine makes sure that it is the dearest.
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